Avoid Data Loss When Updating the AzureRM Terraform Provider
I recently had an issue deploying Python 3.10 Azure Function on App Service Plan. The error message was:
9:38:43 AM myfunc: Deployment successful. deployer = ms-azuretools-vscode deploymentPath = Functions App ZipDeploy. Extract zip. Remote build.
9:38:56 AM myfunc: Syncing triggers...
9:39:50 AM myfunc: Syncing triggers (Attempt 2/6)...
9:40:51 AM myfunc: Syncing triggers (Attempt 3/6)...
9:42:01 AM myfunc: Syncing triggers (Attempt 4/6)...
9:43:01 AM myfunc: Syncing triggers (Attempt 5/6)...
9:45:12 AM myfunc: Syncing triggers (Attempt 6/6)...
9:45:33 AM: Error: Encountered an error (ServiceUnavailable) from host runtime.
Here is my investigation and solution.
bash sudo mkfs.ext4 /dev/sde1 -T largefile4 -m 0
When you develop an ASP.NET MVC application you should test it anyway. You can cover different parts of your application logic with unit tests or you can create tests that look like user interaction scenarios. These tests have several advantages over unit tests:
. Also public IP address is not static that means you can’t use ‘A’ DNS record on it.